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Politique de confidentialité

Little Cute Apps provides data-processing software, content, services and customer support via downloadable applications and on the internet, such as on the world-wide-web, on social media and messaging platforms, and via email (« Apps »).

This privacy policy applies whenever you use any Apps. This policy explains what data we process, how and why we process it, and how you may request deletion of data.

Apps currently available are not intended for children aged under 13. If you are under 13 do not use them, if you have a child under 13 do not allow them to use them.

To provide you with the data-processing functionality of the Apps and relevant customer support, we process and store data you insert, upload or communicate to the Apps such as text, photos, audio, videos, login data such as email, passwords and social logins, and customer support messages.

This processing and storage occurs both on your device and on our servers. Certain features, such as selfie background erasing and facial exercise progress tracking, involve taking photos of one’s self.

For the avoidance of doubt, facial images are not shared with third parties or used for identification or any purposes other than the intended functionality. AI processing for background erasing occurs solely on-device, using standard Apple software libraries, and all associated data other than the resulting image is discarded. Facial exercise progress tracking images are stored on device only.

Some of our Apps allow you to mark provided data as either private or to publish it. We engage in reasonable efforts to keep data marked ‘private’ safe, including the use of authentication, encryption protocols and access controls. However, we provide no warranty and you should not use the Apps for sensitive data.

Published data may be viewed and copied by other users, and it may not be possible to prevent them from keeping the data should you choose to make such published data private in future. To understand how the Apps are being used and improve them and to advertise the Apps to you, we process data on usage, which is aggregated into statistics. To do this, the data you provide to us, as well as data that is provided automatically when you use the Apps, such as IP addresses, browser and device type and operating system, cookies, and, for Apple users according to your preferences, IDFA identifiers or SKAdNetwork statistics, is processed.

Both to provide the functionality of the Apps, to understand how they are being used and to advertise them, data is also processed by third parties. Some of our servers and databases are operated by third parties, such as Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services. Payment services are provided by Apple, PayPal and Stripe. Our Apps are available for download on Google and Apple app stores.

Certain Apps also provide functionality on Apple iMessage, WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat, Telegram. Apple, Facebook, Google receive data on usage to provide us with statistics and advertising. If you access the Apps through any of these platforms, they may also collect additional data, so we recommend you look into their privacy policies.

To make a formal request, including with respect to privacy regulations or to request deletion of data, please contact us at Emily Lefebvre [at] gmail [dot] com .

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